Our belief
Some neurological disorders are long standing and disabling or progressive. We believe that suffering is as much in the mind as in the body.
In certain tough neurological conditions, it is very important that the patient and families come to terms with these diseases and learn to live with it and still enjoy a reasonable quality of life.
A spiritual – karmic understanding of life, disease, disability, and death helps to overcome these situations.
Our approach
Neurology is a vast and rapidly evolving branch of medicine with several sub-specialties. Dedicated neurologists with special interest in neurological sub-specialties who keep track of the latest developments in neurosciences have enabled us to provide the state of the art care.
In addition, we have found that using a holistic approach by integrating the best practices from modern neurosciences with the rejuvenating and healing therapies of ancient medical systems such as Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy and lifestyle measures has improved the outcomes in many situations.